
Students walking on the RIC quad near the institutional sign

Report a Positive Case of COVID-19

Please submit the appropriate form if you have tested positive:

esball官方网建议所有学生及时接种疫苗, including the new boosters for COVID-19.


RIC管理部门非常感谢我们校园社区的每一位成员,因为我们努力保护每个人的健康和健康,并提供丰富的校园体验. 请继续遵守我们制定的缓解措施,以确保您的健康, and that of your fellow students, 教职员工.

If you have any questions about these mitigations:

Rhode Island College COVID Guidelines


If you have been exposed to someone positive for COVID-19, 无论你的疫苗接种状况如何,或者你以前是否有过感染,都要采取预防措施.

  • You no longer need to quarantine if you have been exposed to COVID-19.
  • Monitor for symptoms for 10 days.
  • Wear a high-quality mask for 10 days.
  • Get tested 5 days after exposure.
  • If someone you live with has COVID-19, 尽量避免和他们在一起,如果一定要和他们在一起,戴上口罩.
  • You can still develop COVID-19 up to 10 days after exposure. If you develop any COVID-19 symptoms, 把自己隔离在家里, 打电话给你的医疗保健提供者, 去做测试.


If you test positive for COVID-19, follow these steps:

  • 访问 CDC’s 隔离 and Exposure Calculator to determine your dates of isolation.
  • Stay home (isolate) for at least 5 full days. 患有COVID-19的个体即使没有COVID-19症状也必须进行隔离. Only leave isolation for medical emergencies. If you live in RI and can safely go home, then we recommend it. If you cannot, then isolate in your dorm/apartment. 如果你有室友, avoid being around them as much as possible, 使用后清洁浴室, and wear a mask if you must be around them.
  • If you have a weakened immune system, also known as being “immunocompromised,” you may need to isolate for 10 full days. Consult a healthcare provider if you think this applies to you.


  • If you are sick call either 卫生服务 at 401-456-8055 or your healthcare provider to get medical advice. 卫生服务 offers telehealth visits.
  • 如果你认为你有医疗紧急情况,请拨打911或校园警察 401-456-8888 or get yourself to the nearest hospital. This can include trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, 新的困惑, the inability to wake or stay awake, 或者嘴唇或脸发青.


  • 联系你的教授和雇主(如果适用),告诉他们你将至少离开5天. 和你的教授讨论在隔离期间要交的作业,以及如何在家里/宿舍跟上课程. 
  • 如果你是住在学校附近的学生,可以考虑回家.
  • Do not visit any other locations on campus.
  • 你需要的东西送到了吗. Ask friends and family to drop off items that you need, 比如食物和其他必需品, 在你的门口. 如果这是不可能的,住宿学生应该使用多诺万应用程序“移动”(可在苹果或安卓应用程序商店)或致电住宿生活 401-456-8240 寻求帮助.
  • Do your best to keep your distance from those you live with. If you can, use a separate bathroom and bedroom. 远离厨房和家里其他人聚集的其他房间. Do not share personal household items like cups, towels, and keyboards. If you must be in the same room as others, wear a mask. Roommates should have a COVID-19/Illness plan in 的地方. If you been exposed, take precautions regardless of vaccination status.
  • Let your close contacts know you have COVID-19. 考虑一下与你相处、拜访、做志愿者或乘车的人.
  • Learn about treatment for COVID-19. 如果你因COVID-19病得很重的风险很高,治疗是最重要的. 的 earlier you start treatment, the more effective it is. 
  • COVID期间不要锻炼. 你应该休息. Drink plenty of water, no alcohol, no energy drinks.
  • Follow the advice of your healthcare provider.

RIC COVID-19缓解措施


*Subject to change per COVID-19 Community Burden Level

该疫苗已被证明是安全有效的,可避免严重疾病和住院治疗. Rhode Island College (RIC) is requesting that all students, 在esball官方网以外接受COVID-19疫苗接种的教职员工输入疫苗接种日期,并在Medicat患者门户网站上传他们的COVID-19疫苗接种卡. 

强烈建议使用二价疫苗来降低疾病的严重程度, 保护高危人群, decrease the strain on health care resources. RIC将强烈建议学生和非机密员工全面接种COVID-19疫苗. Medical and religious exemptions are no longer required.   

RIC also recommends that all eligible students, 教职员工向他们的初级保健医生咨询是否应该接种目前可用的COVID-19二价疫苗.

健康中心 – 卫生服务 办公室提供测试.

Test kits will also be available in the dorms for self-testing.

If there is a significant surge on campus, or if RIDOH alerts us to a community surge, 我们将保留要求未接种疫苗的学生参加测试方案的权利, or to institute a masking protocol, 与RIDOH协商.


医用(纸质)口罩以及KN95和N95是预防传播的最佳防护. 口罩应同时覆盖口鼻,并紧密贴合,以确保获得最佳保护. With the highly transmissible nature of the Omicron variant, 戴口罩的方式要适合,没有空气间隙,这是最具保护作用的. 如果资源有限,CDC指南中描述的双重屏蔽是次佳选择. Gaiters, scarves and cloth masks will not be permitted.

If you are having COVID-19 symptoms:

  • Students living on campus please contact the 健康中心 (CHW)安排测试. Do not attend class or visit other congregate areas (e.g.、图书馆、体育馆).
  • 通勤的学生, 请联系您的初级保健提供者安排测试,如果呈阳性,请联系CHW. 不来校园.
  • 教职员工,请联系您的初级保健提供者安排测试和联系 人力资源 如果积极. 不来校园
  • 访问 CDC’s 隔离 and Exposure Calculator to determine your dates of isolation.
  • Stay home (isolate) for at least 5 full days. 患有COVID-19的个体即使没有COVID-19症状也必须进行隔离. Only leave isolation for medical emergencies. If you live in RI and can safely go home, then we recommend it. If you cannot, then isolate in your dorm/apartment. 如果你有室友, avoid being around them as much as possible, 使用后清洁浴室, and wear a mask if you must be around them.
  • If you have a weakened immune system, also known as being “immunocompromised,” you may need to isolate for 10 full days. Consult a healthcare provider if you think this applies to you.

Options for Residential 隔离 of Students:

  • 住在学校附近并有自己交通工具的学生可以在家隔离.
  • 阳性的学生可以在隔离期间进入指定的房间/地点.
  • Students living in a single dorm can isolate in their room.

You no longer need to quarantine if you have been exposed to COVID-19.

有合并症的学生患严重疾病的风险较高,应咨询 卫生服务 或他们的私人医疗保健提供者,了解减少风险和利用RIC提供的住宿的最佳策略. Referrals to and collaboration with campus partners in student success, 学术事务和残疾服务将为学生提供一个机会来解决他们的具体需求.

员工应谘询 人力资源 to address their individual concerns.

更详细的信息, including travel and event protocols can be found on this web page, and updates will be sent by 电子邮件 from stayinformed@themindbehind.net.

如果情况或当地情况发生变化,RIC可能会恢复或加强某些措施(例如.g., 二价增强剂或戴口罩)以及根据疾病预防控制中心或国际扶轮卫生部的指导采取的其他缓解措施.




我们在这里提供保密和全面的初级保健和咨询,以提高学生的学术潜力. Telehealth Appointments Available.